Detail 122

May be hard to catch in the final version, so here's a detail from Problem 122. A case of Pugweiser beer...

Work in progress 121

Figured it would be interesting for people to see works in progress and before-and-afters, so I think I'll start putting some here in the Updates section of the site. Here is the latest Animal Problem. 

NEW CARDS in the store!

Are you that rare person who likes Miyazaki AND The Dude?? Do you like puppy tummies?? A fan of the famous DuBonnet poster by AM Cassandre AND anteaters?? Well then you may be interested in the three new cards (and a few restocks) at my Etsy store:

Cards and Pins in the Store

I have a bunch of greeting cards and a few really nice pins (badges, buttons, whatever) up in my Etsy store. Check 'em out!

A couple of things on the way...

I've been working pretty much nonstop the past three days on the Animal Problems book and some penguin christmas cards. Thankfully, I've now finished both of them and sent them off to the printers. As soon as I get the first copies, give them a look over, and make any necessary changes, both the cards and the book will be up for sale online. Look for links to where you can buy them in the next week or two!

Animal Problems book coming soon!

I started the Animal Problems series back in July, and I am pleased to announce that I have decided to self-publish the first 66 Problems! Check back for an update on when the book will be available! 
